Canon A.M. Allchin - "Celebrating Thomas Merton."
Merton's Friends:
Tommie O'Callaghan, Donald Allchin, Jim Forest and John Wu, Jr.
and chaired by David Scott:
Remembering Merton: A Round
Table Discussion Between a Few of Merton's Friends
Main Conference Addresses:
Melvyn Matthews - "Inclusive and Exclusive Mysticism in Thomas Merton."
Mary Grey - "Escape the World or Change the World: Toward a Feminist Theology of Contemplation."
Robert E. Daggy - "Question and Revelation: Merton's Recovery of the Ground of Birth."
Concurrent Session Papers:
Thomas Merton and Other Traditions:
Erlinda Paguio - "A Heart that Knows God: Merton and Sufism."
Marie Goldstein - "Thomas Merton, The Bible, Jewish Mysticism and Martin Buber."
John Wu, Jr. - "The Zen in Thomas Merton."
Thomas Merton on Solitude and Community:
Gary P. Hall - "Autonomy and Surrender, Solitude and Intimacy: A Belated Response to Walter E. Conn."
Fernando Beltran Llavador - "Brother Silence, Sister Word: Merton's Conversion and Conversation in Solitude and Society."
Richard Fournier - "The Hospitable Hermitage: Where the Hearts of God, Self, Other and World Meet."
Thomas Merton - The Early Years:
Paul M. Pearson - "Thomas Merton: The Earliest Stories."
Sheila and Christian Hempstead - "Reading Dante's Commedia in Merton's Seven Storey Mountain."
Arthur W. Biddle - "Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Friendship in Letters."
Thomas Merton and the Human Community:
George A. Kilcourse - "Thomas Merton and Racism: 'Letters to a White Liberal' Reconsidered."
Christopher Nugent - "Thomas Merton and James Joyce."
Thomas del Prete - "The Contemplative as Teacher: Learning from Thomas Merton."
Jim Forest - "A Sunday Homily."
The Venerable Ajahn Sobhano - "A Final Blessing."